Saturday, August 20, 2011

10/10 sales

(Disclaimer: I'm posting this after having just finished my grocery shopping trip and getting annoyed at the store being totally wiped out of certain items I planned on purchasing for very very cheap)

I wanted to post about 10/10 sales today because after recent discussions on this current trend and a very disappointing trip to Price Cutter I thought education may be needed ;).

When a store advertises a 10/10 sale, unless they specify that you MUST buy 10 items to get them for a $1.00, then you do not have to buy 10 items.  I repeat you do NOT have to buy 10 items to get them for a $1.00 unless the store specifies this in their ad!!!

Walgreens typically does specify this, but I have yet to see this specified at our local stores (ie: Price Cutter, Summer Fresh, Harter House).  So, mix and match items or only buy 1 or 2 if you only need a couple things.

Hope everyone is having a great day! Don't forget to get the Sunday paper tomorrow and get your Walgreens shopping list ready!

And if you haven't already made a guess on my Facebook page to win the gas card, then head over to One Brand's Savings @ Facebook!!

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