Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Coupon Class

Taught a coupon class last night (actually only the 2nd one I've taught) but it was wonderful. 

We had such a great time, and I find that I'm ridiculously passionate about saving'd think I had millions or even just hundreds in my savings account...unfortunatly that's not true because I more often than not find something else to spend my savings on (for example shopping).

I find it so interesting when I'm teaching class that someone always knows something about coupons even if they know nothing about coupons (confused? lol)  In both classes so far, I've had to field questions regarding the TLC Show Extreme Couponers (puke) and I've learned things that even I didn't know...(some that I need to look into more, like sending expired coupons to soldiers bc the base will let them use them-definitly need to check that out)

So, I have many more classes scheduled and I'm super exicted about them.  I can't wait to teach everyone how to save money for their family and look forward to the next few weeks.  Again I have to thank my BFF (who's name I did not say last time and got lectured on so, ERIN DAVIDSON) thanks for the encouragement and of course to my mom and my husband for keeping T-man entertained while I'm out "all hours of the night" ;)

Tomorrow is Wednesday so don't forget to pick up your Marshfield Mail!  Still waiting to hear about the deals and steals everyone got this weekend (if I judge by the silence here I'm saying that NO ONE got a good deal, so please prove me wrong).  Planning to do Match-up's tomorrow around lunch time (as long as I get my coupons cut and organized today)!! 

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