Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Local Stimulation

Yesterday I looked at my Facebook page in shock as I discovered not only did I have 50 fans but I had 53 fans!!  Considering I only thought my mom and my best friend would look at my blog and my Facebook page I was kind of amazed!  I think I smiled for like 5 minutes straight :)  After all the smiling and disbelief wore off I decided that this is something people really ARE interested in!  Which got me thinking...

I think that shopping locally is great.  It's good for local business, it's good for our county's economical stimulation, it lets us know who are neighbors are, and it saves us gas money (lol).  There are over 36,000 people in Webster county (true story!) and a lot of those people run or own their own business.  I thought to myself, if my page is about saving money then I should really look a little more closely at some of the things people offer right here in my own town!

I've contacted quite a few people and hopefully in the next few weeks I will begin a new aspect of my blog and Facebook page.  Each month I'm going to focus on a local business or sales person (ex: one of the local hair salongs, a mary kay sales woman, and some other surprises that I'll keep secret for now).  I will do a review on my blog of that business and one of the items they offer.  (If I've never tried the product I will do the best I can to get the product and try it BEFORE I review it,  This of course will depend on finances since I'm trying to save money, I don't have a whole lot to invest here...but I have faith it will work out well).  After I do the review on my blog, I will GIVE AWAY the product they offer FOR FREE!!  Fun huh?

I can't wait to get started on this fun new aspect of my savings page.  I think it will be a great way to get to know some of our local saleswomen (or men I guess) and a great way for me (and you) to help support them!!  A big thank you to the businesses I've already contacted and heard back from, and if you know anyone who might be interested they can find me on Facebook at One Brand's Savings (just type it in the search bar)!

I hope everyone is as excited about this as I am!! :)  Have a fantastic Tuesday, hopefully everyone has got their coupons cut from Sunday (I still haven't, bummer) and don't forget-tomorrow is Wednesday which means the new Marshfield Mail!!!

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