Monday, August 29, 2011

Something New: Where to find coupons session 1

Decided to start doing a few "series" pieces once a week to teach about different aspects of couponing.  The first thing I've decided to start with is where to find coupons.  I'm going to do this in the same way I teach my classes, but broken down into segments that I will post each week.  The first segment is going to focus on coupons and be broken down into different aspects of that!  Hope everyone enjoys this new part of the blog!!  I plan on posting each new segment on Monday.

Question 1: WHERE do you find coupons?  That question is one that I here ALL THE TIME!  The truth is, I don't find them any place that you don't have access too as well :)  I get probably 90% of my coupons from (wait for it......) the SPRINGFIELD NEWS LEADER, every Sunday!!  (are you shocked?).  I found a statistic that said 87.7% of coupons come from the newspaper, and I definitly belive that.  I know that a lot of people think you can only get good coupons if you have internet access but that just isn't true! 

The key to getting the best coupons from the newspaper is to pay attention to what time of the month it is.  Here is the basic info:
P & G Brand Saver (P & G=Proctor and Gamble) comes out the last/first Sunday of every month.  (Depends on how the month is falling, but if you follow along here or on my facebook then I will give you a heads up on when to expect it!!)  This insert usually contains most of the bathroom items and cleaner coupons.
SmartSource comes out pretty much every Sunday.  This is mostly coupons for your grocery items, but there are a few bathroom/household type things.
Redplum comes out pretty much every Sunday as well.  This is a mixture of grocery and bathroom/household items.

Ok, so tune in next Monday for session 2!!
For a sneak peak of what is to come click here to start printing internet coupons from my favorite site!!

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