Sunday, August 21, 2011

A Sea of Binders

Totally amazed this morning at Walgreen's when EVERY person I saw (ok maybe not everyone but more had than didn't have) had a binder for coupons!! It was interesting actually because I've been shopping at Walgreen's on Sunday morning for a few months now and I've never really noticed before.  The word must be getting out, coupons rock!

After seeing the sea of coupon binders this morning, it compelled me to post a few reminder tips in regards to coupon courtesy and etiquette.

1.)  Be friendly and polite while shopping.  This morning it seemed like everyone was there, with their binder, but it was more like a contest/race than a pleasant shopping trip.  I couldn't tell that anyone was really HAPPY to be saving, more like everyone seemed to be trying to get the item first and into their cart...even if that meant buying, 6, 7, or 8 of the same items...yes I saw that this morning.  So, remind yourself not to be the green eyed monster snatching up items and tossing them in your cart, just so you can say you got a good deal!

2.)  WHAT ARE YOU DOING with all those multiple items?  I saw a woman loading up on like 8 dial body washes...yes I REALIZE they were on sale and had a great RR attached to them, but when you get home and need to store all that-where do you put it?  I can only hope that the people I saw buying multiple items (beyond the amount of adding to their stockpile) were planning on donating it to a pantry, church, or family member in need.  Otherwise, I encourage everyone that when shopping with coupons (while extremely exciting and a great head rush) to analyze each items you are purchasing.  There is nothing more embarrassing than getting home and having to explain to your husband why you bought him 6 body washes when he already had 2 from your LAST coupon shopping trip!!

3.)  Give the cashier your store ad coupons instead of expecting them to ring up correctly.  (My big goof today, even I still mess up lol).  I always seem to forget that I have to show the cashier the coupon in the ad I'm expecting to use, it isn't their JOB to scan it for you.  Now, that isn't to say some cashiers won't do it just to be nice, but on a Sunday (their busy coupon day) have the ad ready and ready to be scanned with your other coupons to save the cashier time!

Hope everyone saved a bunch today!  I didn't buy much, just a few sharpies and deodorants (sharpies for coupon class and deodorants for church) and of course my paper!  (If you haven't bought your paper yet, there was only a Smart Source insert this week.)  Let me know what kind of deals you got!!

1 comment:

  1. I wanted the Cottenell TP so bad, totally out as of last night and they will not get their shipment in till this NEXT Friday!!!
