Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Expiration Dates

Well friends, the beginning of the new month is a bitter sweet time; it's bitter sweet because while it marks the new edition of the P & G Brand Saver insert (sometimes I ask myself, is my life that boring that I get excited for new coupon inserts?) but it also marks the end of the previous month and that usually means expiration dates.  And no, I don't mean the expiration dates on your milk jugs I mean expiration dates for your coupons.

I know that it sounds like a SIN to let a coupon expire without using it, but I'm here to tell you that it's OK (though very heart wrenching) to let your coupons expire and to (don't shoot me) THROW THEM AWAY!  The main point here is this: Just because you have a coupon, doesn't mean you have to use it.  If the item the coupon is for doesn't go on sale before it expires and it isn't something you NEED, then it's probably not going to save you much money just to use the coupon because you have it.  So, wait for the sale, if it doesn't come and the coupon expires IT'S OK!!  (Of course if the item is something you NEED and the sale never comes and it's a GOOD coupon ie: a high value coupon, or your store will double it) then go ahead and make the purchase with the coupon if it fits your budget and is on your grocery list.

At the beginning of each month (I usually do it at the same time I cut my new P & G coupons) go through your binder, or file folder, (or if your old school, your envelope LOL) and clear out all the expired coupons.  (Go ahead, cry a little if you need to; it IS sad to see the savings go into the trash, but just tell yourself it isn't saving if it isn't on sale) and then look at all the brand new coupons your about to cut-this will usually cheer me up :)!

Tomorrow I will be posting the store match-up's for Harter House, Price Cutter, and Summer Fresh.  I hope everyone remembered to pick up their Marshfield Mail today, if not you still have time!

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